What do possible foundations for a future society look like? With increasingly automated production processes the idea of a universal basic income has become a viable option and a new form of utopia suddenly seems within reach where time is spent solving global problems and achieving individual and social goals..
A think tank of creatives, designers, and young researchers started a discussion on the topic. Resulting in collection of UBI inspired fashion items. Contributors include Goys & Birls, InternetTBD, Nuno Patricio, Angelo Plessas, Katrin Krumm, Nukeme, Luca Pozzi, Katy Roseland, Manuel Roßner, ruiné, Johannes Schroth, Selam-X, Timur Si-Qin , Sucuk & Bratwurst, VeryVeryContemporary, and Bruno Mokross..
In conjunction with the collection launch, four theorists to discuss the idea of UBI. Essays by Nick Srnicek and Viola Nordsieck, are available here.